Telecom Egypt oznamuje pristátie Afriky-1 v Egypte
Telecom Egypt Announces Africa-1 Subsea Cable System Landing in Egypt
6 novembra 2024: Telecom Egypt, the total telecom operator in Egypt and one of the largest subsea cables operators in the region, and Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) have announced the successful landing of the Africa-1 subsea cable system in Egypt at the Ras Ghareb cable landing station on the Red Sea. This is the first of two planned landings in Egypt - the second Egypt landing will be on its Mediterranean coast. Built and deployed by ASN, the system links East Africa with the Middle East, South-Central Asia, and Europe.
Traversing Egypt via diverse terrestrial routes, this low-latency, high-capacity, direct express system extends from Pakistan to France, with initial landings in the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Djibouti, Yemen, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Algeria. The Ras Ghareb landing is the third, following earlier landings in Karachi, Pakistan, and Mombasa, Kenya.
The consortium-funded system, stretching over 10,000 kilometers with 8 fiber pairs, aims to enhance global connectivity by providing diversity and resiliency while significantly bolstering broadband traffic capacity. The Africa-1 consortium comprises eight major players: Algerie Telecom, e&, G42, Mobily, Pakistan Telecommunications Company Ltd., Telecom Egypt, TeleYemen, and ZOI.
Mohamed Nasr, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Telecom Egypt, commented:
"Partnering with the Africa-1 consortium to build this transformative subsea system is a significant milestone for all parties involved, as well as for the global economy and connectivity. By making additional subsea routes available in the growing markets of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, this system will boost broadband capabilities and expand our subsea network to meet the rising demand for reliable, high-speed communications, especially for bandwidth-intensive applications such as artificial intelligence. Africa-1 further enhances Egypt's position as a regional connectivity hub and helps bridge the digital divide in underserved regions. Our rich subsea infrastructure, available to our partners worldwide, underscores our commitment to delivering superior connectivity solutions that enable both our partners and end-users alike, driving economic growth across continents, fostering innovation, and providing robust connectivity solutions. We look forward to the operational launch of Africa-1 and the continued expansion of our subsea network to meet the ever-growing demand for seamless global communications."
Paul Gabla, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of ASN at Alcatel, commented:
"We are excited to be part of the Africa-1 subsea cable system, a pivotal project that will be a real game-changer by transforming connectivity across East Africa, the Middle East, South-Central Asia, and Europe. ASN is committed to bringing the most advanced technologies and extensive expertise to ensure the seamless deployment and operation of this high-capacity, low-latency infrastructure. This initiative not only enhances broadband traffic capacity but also provides the diversity and resiliency needed to support the ever-growing demands of global data transmission."
- Koniec -
O Telecom Egypt
Telecom Egypt is a total telecom operator in Egypt, providing a wide array of telecom services to a diverse customer base. Serving individuals, communities, SOHOs, SMEs and large enterprises, Telecom Egypt offers a comprehensive, innovative, and diversified portfolio of services, ranging from fixed and mobile voice to essential data solutions that are crucial in today's digital landscape. These services also include high-speed internet, smart solutions, data center facilities, and cloud computing solutions tailored for businesses.
S bohatým dedičstvom asi 170 rokov, Telecom Egypt naďalej vedie egyptský telekomunikačný trh tým, že poskytuje špičkovú technológiu, robustnú infraštruktúru a rozsiahlu sieť podmorských káblov, aby uspokojil potreby svojej podnikovej a spotrebiteľskej klientely. Kľúčovú úlohu spoločnosti v egyptskom telekomunikačnom prostredí podčiarkuje jej rozsiahle sieťové pokrytie, široký rozsah služieb a odhodlanie podporovať inovácie. Okrem mobilnej prevádzky „WE“ vlastní Telecom Egypt významný 45-percentný vlastnícky podiel vo Vodafone Egypt. Akcie spoločnosti Telecom Egypt a GDR (Ticker: ETEL.CA; TEEG.LN) sa obchodujú na Egyptskej burze a Londýnskej burze cenných papierov.
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About Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN)
Alcatel Submarine Networks, part of Nokia, leads the industry in terms of transmission capacity and installed base with more than 800,000 km of optical submarine systems deployed worldwide, enough to go almost 20 times around the world. From traditional telecom applications to content and "over the top" service provider infrastructures, as well as to offshore oil and gas applications, ASN provides all elements of turnkey global undersea transmission systems, tailored to individual customer's needs. An extensive services portfolio completes its comprehensive offering for the submarine business, including project management, installation, and commissioning, along with marine and maintenance operations performed by ASN's wholly owned fleet of cable ships.
For more information, visit our website:
Alcatel Submarine Networks media contact: [chránené e-mailom]
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