Odhadovaná NAV k 31. marcu 2024
abrdn Private Equity Opportunities Trust plc
Identifikátor právnickej osoby (LEI): 2138004MK7VPTZ99EV13
17 2024 apríla
abrdn Private Equity Opportunities Trust plc ("APEO" or "the Company") announces its estimated net asset value ("NAV") at 31 March 2024
· Estimated NAV at 31 March 2024 was 767.2 pence per share (estimated NAV at 29 February 2024 was 764.8 pence per share)
· Excluding new investments, 97.3% by value of portfolio dated 31 December 2023 (estimated NAV at 29 February 2024 was 65.8% dated 31 December 2023)
· APEO paid £24.3 million of drawdowns to fund commitments and co-investments, and received £12.7 million of distributions from fund investments during the month of March
· One new co-investment and one new secondary transaction completed during March
· Outstanding commitments of £662.6 million at 31 March 2024
· Likvidné zdroje (peňažné zostatky plus nevyčerpané úverové linky) boli £190.7 million as at 31 March 2024
APEO's valuation policy for private equity funds and co-investments is based on the latest valuations reported by the managers of the funds and co-investments in which the Company has interests. In the case of APEO's valuation at 31 March 2024, excluding new investments, 97.3% by value of the portfolio valuations were dated 31 December 2023. The value of the portfolio is therefore calculated as the 31 December 2023 valuation, adjusted for subsequent cashflows over the period to 31 March 2024.
This is an update from the estimated NAV at 29 February 2024, whereby 65.8% of the portfolio valuations, excluding new investments, were dated 31 December 2023, adjusted for subsequent cashflows over the period to 29 February 2024.
Odhadovaná NAV
At 31 March 2024, APEO's estimated NAV was 767.2 pence per share (estimated net assets £1,176.6 million), representing a 0.3% per share increase from the estimated NAV at 29 February 2024 of 764.8 pence per share (estimated net assets £1,173.1 million). The 2.4 pence increase in NAV per share reflected gains arising primarily from a 0.5% constant currency uplift in the valuation of investments as at 31 December 2023 received since the last announcement, partially offset by a 0.2% depreciation in the euro versus sterling during March. The NAV accretion also includes the effects of the Company's share buy-back program announced in January 2024 which is currently in effect.
Čerpanie a distribúcie
APEO paid £20.8 million of drawdowns to existing commitments and received £12.7 million of distributions during the month of March. Including the funding of a new co-investment, total net outflows from investment activity in March amounted to £11.6 million.
Drawdowns during the period were across several of APEO's fund investments, primarily to fund new underlying portfolio company investments and management fees. Notable drawdowns in the portfolio during the month related to IK Partnership II (to fund Valoria Capital, a fast growing acquisition platform for independent financial advisors, and A-Safe, a global leader in industrial safety barriers), American Industrial Partners VII (to fund the acquisition of Veoneer, a leading global manufacturer of automotive electronic safety systems for passenger vehicles, and Aquaship, an aquaculture service company) and Nordic Capital Fund XI (to fund the acquisition of Corpuls, a leading provider of high quality and innovative products for professional users in emergency situations, and Foxway, a leading circular tech services provider in Europe).
The distributions received generated realised gains and income of £7.1 million and largely related to realisations in APEO's underlying portfolio of companies. Notable realisations related to the partial sale of RENK Group (a global manufacturer of mission-critical drive solutions) by Triton Fund V following its IPO in February 2024, and the sale of shares by Advent International GPE VIII in three of its listed portfolio companies following respective IPOs in 2021.
Investičná činnosť
A €5.0 million co-investment was made alongside Exponent into Chanelle Pharma, a leading manufacturer of generic animal and human health products headquartered in Ireland.
A €10.4 million secondary investment was made to a continuation fund alongside a leading global healthcare private equity specialist, the details of which remain undisclosed at this time for confidentiality reasons.
The Company had £662.6 million of outstanding commitments at 31 March 2024. The Manager believes that around £91.9 million of the Company's existing outstanding commitments are unlikely to be drawn.
Úverový rámec a hotovostné zostatky
The Company has a £300.0 million syndicated revolving credit facility provided by The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited, Societe Generale and State Street Bank International GmbH, and it expires in December 2025. The Company drew a total of £25.6 million from the facility during the month of March, increasing the total drawn balance to £136.7 million at 31 March 2024. The remaining undrawn balance of the facility at 31 2024 marca bola teda 163.3 milióna libier.
Okrem toho mala Spoločnosť hotovostné zostatky vo výške 27.4 milióna GBP k 31. marcu 2024. Likvidné zdroje, vypočítané ako súčet hotovostných zostatkov a nevyčerpaného zostatku úverového rámca, teda boli 190.7 milióna GBP k d. 31 2024 marca.
Budúce oznámenia
The Company is expecting to announce its estimated NAV at 30 April 2024 on or around 14 May 2024.
Ďalšie podrobnosti o NAV a diverzifikácii investícií APEO nájdete na webovej stránke APEO. Ani obsah webovej stránky Spoločnosti, ani obsah žiadnej webovej stránky prístupnej prostredníctvom hypertextových odkazov na webovej lokalite Spoločnosti nie je súčasťou tohto oznámenia, ani nie je jeho súčasťou.
Pre ďalšie informácie kontaktujte Alana Gaulda na adrese abrdn Capital Partners LLP (0131 528 4424)
Poznámky: -
abrdn Private Equity Opportunities Trust plc je investičná spoločnosť riadená spoločnosťou abrdn Capital Partners LLP, ktorej kmeňové akcie sú prijaté na kótovanie Britským úradom pre kótovanie a obchodovanie na burze cenných papierov a ktorá sa snaží riadiť svoje záležitosti tak, aby sa kvalifikovala ako investičný fond podľa oddielov 1158-1165 zákona o dani z príjmov právnických osôb z roku 2010.
Spoločnosť má v úmysle zverejňovať pravidelné odhadované aktualizácie NAV približne desať pracovných dní po skončení každého mesiaca. Rozpis portfólia APEO je možné získať v najnovšom mesačnom informačnom liste, ktorý je zverejnený na webovej stránke APEO:
RNS môže použiť vašu IP adresu na potvrdenie súladu so zmluvnými podmienkami, na analýzu toho, ako pracujete s informáciami obsiahnutými v tejto komunikácii, a na zdieľanie takejto analýzy na anonymizovanom základe s ostatnými v rámci našich komerčných služieb. Ďalšie informácie o tom, ako RNS a Londýnska burza používajú osobné údaje, ktoré nám poskytnete, nájdete v našich Zásadách ochrany osobných údajov.