Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Joint Stock Company
(40, Al-Farabi Ave., Medeu district, À26Ì3Ê5, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Announcement of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Joint Stock Company
In accordance with Articles 35, 37-2(1), 37-3(3), and 41 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies", the Board of Directors of Halyk Bank JSC, as the initiator of convening the meeting, announces that the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of Halyk Bank JSC will be held on 9 2024 decembra by absent voting without holding the in-person General Shareholders' Meeting („General Shareholders' Meeting").
The list of shareholders eligible to participate at the General Shareholders' Meeting will be determined based on the shareholder register of Halyk Bank JSC k 9. novembru 2024.
Agenda of the General Shareholders' Meeting:
1. On approval of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of Halyk Bank JSC.
2. On adoption of a resolution on dividend payment on Halyk Bank JSC common shares.
On approval of the amount of dividend per common share of Halyk Bank JSC.
3. On determination of the audit firm for audit of the financial statements of Halyk Bank JSC based on the results of the years 2025 - 2027.
4. On determination of the procedure, maximum number and time limits for placement (allotment) of shares of Halyk Bank JSC without application of the pre-emptive right.
According to Article 43-6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies", the agenda of the General Shareholders' Meeting cannot be amended and (or) supplemented since resolutions at the General Shareholders' Meeting are passed by absent voting.
The materials on the agenda items of the General Shareholders' Meeting are available for review by shareholders at the location of the Management Board of Halyk Bank JSC, and on the corporate website of Halyk Bank JSC by following links: https://halykbank.kz/about-bank/akcioneram (v ruštine); https://halykbank.kz/kz/about-bank/akcioneram (in Kazakh); https://halykbank.kz/en/about-bank/akcioneram; https://halykbank.com/shareholder-information (v angličtine). In case of a request for materials on the items of the agenda of the General Shareholders' Meeting from the shareholder of Halyk Bank JSC, they will be sent to the shareholder within three business days from the date of receipt of the request. At the same time, the shareholder bears copy and delivery expenses of the documents.
To learn more about the General Shareholders' Meeting, please call: 8 (727) 259 07 77, 8-8000 8000 59.
Pursuant to Part 2 of Article 45-4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies", if there is no quorum at the General Shareholders' Meeting by absent voting, no adjourned General Shareholders' Meeting shall be held.
The Shareholders of Halyk Bank JSC are invited to participate in the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of Halyk Bank JSC by absent voting without holding the in-person General Shareholders' Meeting.
Special note to the holders of Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs), with the underlying asset being common shares of the Bank, intending to vote at the General Shareholders' Meeting:
The procedure for voting of shares represented by GDRs at the General Shareholders' Meeting is detailed in Article 12 of the Terms and Conditions of the GDRs contained in the Prospectus. A copy of the Terms and Conditions of the GDRs is available on the Internet resource of Halyk Bank JSC (https://backend.halykbank.com/sk/document/117/en/Prospectus%202006.pdf).
The voting instructions will be provided through The Bank of New York (the "Depository") in due course.
For further information, GDR holders may contact:
Mrs. Mira Daskal
Telefón: 1 212 815 5021
E-mail: [chránené e-mailom]
The Bank of New York, 240 Greenwich Street, 8th Floor, New York NY, 10286 U.S.A.
JSC Halyk Bank
Ms. Mira Tiyanak
Head of Financial Institutions and International Relations
Telefón: +7 (727) 259 04 30
E-mail: [chránené e-mailom]
Mr.Rustam Telish
Financial Institutions and International Relations
Telefón: +7 (727) 330 15 66
E-mail: [chránené e-mailom]
Ms. Nurgul Mukhadi
Financial Institutions and International Relations
Telefón: +7 (727) 330 16 77
E-mail: [chránené e-mailom]
Halyk Bank as
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