Aktualizácia obchodovania za štvrtý štvrťrok 2024
Prístup k Midstream Partners LP
11:00 22/04/19

13 2025 januára
To najlepšie z Q4*
· Hrubý zisk skupiny 196.7 milióna GBP, -13.0 % v porovnaní s rokom 2023 (-17.2 % v hlásených sadzbách)
· Ongoing challenging market conditions across the Group, further worsening in Europe
· Pokračujúce utlmené úrovne dôvery klientov a kandidátov ovplyvňujúce rozhodovanie
· EMEA -15.9%: Francúzsko -17%; Nemecko -23 %
· Americas -5.5%**: US +3%; Latin America -14%**
· Ázia a Tichomorie -14.6 %: JV Ázia -4 %; Veľká Čína -23 %; Japonsko -6 %; India – 7 %
· Spojené kráľovstvo -13.6 %: Michael Page -9 %; Personál stránky -22 %
· Zníženie počtu zamestnancov s poplatkami o 130 (-2.4 %) na 5,370 3 (2024. štvrťrok 5,500: XNUMX XNUMX)
· Produktivita sa oproti 5. štvrťroku 4 znížila o 2023 %.
· Čistá hotovosť cca. 95 miliónov £ (3. štvrťrok 2024: približne 93 miliónov £, 4. štvrťrok 2023: približne 90 miliónov £)
2024 Full Year
· The Board expects 2024 full year operating profit, after one-off costs of c. £5m relating to the closure of our Shared Service Centres in the UK and Singapore, to be towards the lower end of the current market consensus range of £49m - £58.5m
* V konštantných menách vs 2023 okrem ak je uvedené inak
** Vrátane Argentíny z dôvodu hyperinflácie
Analýza hrubého zisku Q4
| Nahlásené (£ m) | konštantný | |||
Medziročne | % skupiny | Q4 2024 | Q4 2023 | % | % |
EMEA | 55% | 107.5 | 132.8 | -19.1% | -15.9% |
Americas | 18% | 35.4 | 40.8 | -13.2% | -5.5 %** |
Ázie a Tichomoria | 15% | 29.5 | 35.8 | -17.4% | -14.6% |
UK | 12% | 24.3 | 28.1 | -13.6% | -13.6% |
Spolu | 100% | 196.7 | 237.5 | -17.2% | -13.0% |
stály | 70% | 137.4 | 165.2 | -16.8% | -12.5% |
Dočasný | 30% | 59.3 | 72.3 | -18.0% | -14.2% |
Full Year Gross Profit Analysis
| Nahlásené (£ m) | konštantný | |||
Medziročne | % skupiny | 2024 | 2023 | % | % |
EMEA | 55% | 462.6 | 549.5 | -15.8% | -13.4% |
Americas | 18% | 149.0 | 173.3 | -14.0% | -9.9 %** |
Ázie a Tichomoria | 15% | 126.5 | 159.6 | -20.8% | -16.9% |
UK | 12% | 104.4 | 124.7 | -16.3% | -16.3% |
Spolu | 100% | 842.5 | 1,007.1 | -16.4% | -12.9% |
stály | 72% | 606.1 | 733.6 | -17.4% | -13.9% |
Dočasný | 28% | 236.4 | 273.5 | -13.6% | -10.1% |
Nicholas Kirk, generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti PageGroup, povedal:
"Market conditions remained challenging in Q4 and whilst most markets were sequentially stable, we experienced a further worsening in Europe, particularly in our two largest markets, France and Germany. The conversion of interviews to accepted offers remains the most significant area of challenge as the ongoing macro-economic uncertainty continues to impact candidate and client confidence, also extending the time-to-hire.
"We continue to review our fee earner headcount, making progress on our strategy by reallocating resources into the areas of the business where we see the most significant long-term structural opportunities, as well as ensuring it remains aligned to activity levels we are seeing in each of our markets. We drove further efficiencies in the organisation through the closure of our Shared Service Centres in the UK and Singapore, with transition of activities into Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Kuala Lumpur. Overall, our focus remains to balance near term productivity with ensuring we remain well placed to take advantage of opportunities when market conditions improve.
"Looking ahead, a high degree of macro-economic and geopolitical uncertainty remains across the majority of our markets, notably in France and Germany. However, we have a diversified and adaptable business model, a highly experienced management team, a strong balance sheet and our cost base is under continuous review.
"We continue to see the benefits of our investments in innovation and technology. Customer Connect is supporting productivity and enhancing customer experience, Page Insights is providing real time data to inform business decisions for both Page and our customers, and we continue to work with our partners to deploy AI and automation tools into our working environment. Given the Group's fundamental strengths and despite the challenging environment, we are confident in our ability to implement our strategy, driving the long-term profitability of the Group."
Zhrnutie obchodovania
Group gross profit declined 13.0% in constant currencies against Q4 2023. We continued to see tough market conditions in the majority of the Group's markets, with further worsening in Europe.
Although salary levels remain strong, offers made to candidates are not as elevated as they were in 2022 and early 2023. As a consequence, conversion of interviews to accepted offers remains the most significant challenge. While our fee rates remain at high levels, as clients' recruitment budgets have tightened, they have become more risk averse which has continued to slow the recruitment process, impacting time-to-hire.
During periods of market uncertainty, clients often seek more flexible options in temporary recruitment. However, we saw similar declines across temporary recruitment (-14%) and permanent (-13%) in Q4. This was due to softer activity and trading in our European businesses, where we have a higher proportion of non-perm business, as well as a tougher comparator in temporary recruitment. Our reduction in fee earner headcount was broadly consistent with Q3, down 130 (-2.4%), with reductions mainly in Europe and the UK. Productivity, measured as gross profit per fee earner, was down 5% versus Q4 2023, due to the challenging macro-economic conditions combined with our decision to broadly hold onto the level of our fee earner headcount.
Geografická analýza (pokiaľ nie je uvedené inak, všetky miery rastu sú oproti roku 2023 a v konštantnej mene)
EMEA | Hrubý zisk (mil. £) | rýchlosť rastu | ||
(55 % skupiny) | 2024 | 2023 | hlásených | konštantný |
Q4 | 107.5 | 132.8 | -19.1% | -15.9% |
FY | 462.6 | 549.5 | -15.8% | -13.4% |
Q4 · Francúzsko (15 % skupiny) -17 % · Nemecko (12 % skupiny) -23 % · Benelux -20 % o Belgicko -5 % o Holandsko -27 % · Južná Európa -5 % o Taliansko -10 % o Španielsko – 5 % · Stredný východ a Afrika – 8 % Headcount at 31 December 2024: 3,530 (30 September 2024: 3,654) |
In Europe, Middle East and Africa, gross profit declined 15.9% to £107.5m. The challenging conditions and reduction in activity levels that we experienced in Q3 worsened in Q4, with lower levels of candidate and client confidence. France, the Group's largest market, declined 17%. Temporary recruitment, down 12%, outperformed permanent, down 21%. Germany, our second largest market, saw particularly challenging market conditions, down 23%. We saw tough conditions in all brands, with a deterioration in client and candidate confidence impacting both permanent and temporary recruitment. Elsewhere in Europe, market conditions remained challenging in all countries. In the Middle East and Africa, gross profit was down 8%. In response to ongoing challenging market conditions, we reduced our fee earner headcount by 116 in Q4, mainly in France and Germany.
Americas | Hrubý zisk (mil. £) | rýchlosť rastu | ||
(18 % skupiny) | 2024 | 2023 | hlásených | konštantný |
Q4 | 35.4 | 40.8 | -13.2% | -5.5 %** |
FY | 149.0 | 173.3 | -14.0% | -9.9 %** |
Q4 · North America (10% of Group) +2% o US +3% · Latinská Amerika (8 % skupiny) -14 %** o Mexiko -4 % o Brazília – 12 % Headcount at 31 December 2024: 1,327 (30 September 2024: 1,341)
** Vrátane Argentíny z dôvodu hyperinflácie |
In the Americas, we delivered gross profit of £35.4m, down 5.5% excluding Argentina due to hyperinflation. The US grew 3%, an improvement on the decline of 11% in Q3. We saw an increase in activity levels and trading during the quarter, particularly in Engineering, Accounting and Financial Services. In Latin America, excluding Argentina, gross profit declined 14%. Mexico, our largest country in the region, declined 4%, an improvement on the 15% decline in Q3. Brazil was down 12%, albeit against a tough comparator due to a one-off release in the prior year. Excluding this item, Brazil grew 1%. Elsewhere in Latin America, the remaining countries declined 24%, collectively. Overall fee earner headcount decreased by 8.
Ázie a Tichomoria | Hrubý zisk (mil. £) | rýchlosť rastu | ||
(15 % skupiny) | 2024 | 2023 | hlásených | konštantný |
Q4 | 29.5 | 35.8 | -17.4% | -14.6% |
FY | 126.5 | 159.6 | -20.8% | -16.9% |
Q4 · Ázia (12 % skupiny) -12 % · Veľká Čína (4 % skupiny a 31 % Ázie) – 23 % o pevninská Čína -26 % o Hong Kong -19 % · Juhovýchodná Ázia -4 % · Japonsko – 6 % · India – 7 % · Austrália – 25 % Headcount at 31 December 2024: 1,532 (30 September 2024: 1,441) |
In Asia Pacific, gross profit for Q4 declined 14.6% against 2023 to £29.5m. Greater China declined 23%, broadly in line with Q3, with Mainland China and Hong Kong down 26% and 19%, respectively. South East Asia declined 4%, with Singapore down 3%. India declined 7%, albeit against a tough comparator, and Japan declined 6%. Australia declined 25%, with ongoing challenging conditions across all states. Our fee earner headcount in the region increased by 17, mainly in Japan. Our non-operations headcount increased by 74 in Q4, due to the double running of c. 65 heads as we transitioned our SSC from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.
UK | Hrubý zisk (mil. £) | Tempo rastu | |
(12 % skupiny) | 2024 | 2023 |
Q4 | 24.3 | 28.1 | -13.6% |
FY | 104.4 | 124.7 | -16.3% |
Q4 · Michael Page -9 % · Personál stránky -22 % Headcount at 31 December 2024: 972 (30 September 2024: 1,006) |
In the UK, gross profit for Q4 declined 13.6% against 2023 to £24.3m, in line with Q3. The conversion of interviews to accepted offers remains a significant area of challenge, with ongoing subdued levels of client and candidate confidence also impacting decision making and increasing time-to-hire. Reflecting the continued challenging trading conditions, our fee earner headcount in the region reduced by 23.
Zmes Perm/Temp
Hrubý zisk z trvalého náboru klesol o 16.8 % v hlásených sadzbách a 12.5 % v konštantných menách na 137.4 milióna £ (4. štvrťrok 2023: 165.2 milióna £). Hrubý zisk z dočasného náboru klesol o 18.0 % vo vykazovaných sadzbách a o 14.2 % v konštantných menách na 59.3 milióna GBP (4. štvrťrok 2023: 72.3 milióna GBP). Výsledkom bol pomer trvalého a dočasného náboru 70:30 (4. štvrťrok 2023: 70:30).
Počet zamestnancov
We reduced our fee earner headcount by 130 (2.4%) during Q4, mainly in Europe and the UK. Our non-operations headcount increased by 49 (2.5%) in Q4. This increase was due to the double running of c. 65 heads as we transitioned our SSC from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. Overall, the Group had 5,370 fee earners and a total headcount of 7,361.
Zahraničná výmena
Pohyby výmenných kurzov mali negatívny vplyv na výsledky skupiny v 4. štvrťroku, pričom náš vykázaný hrubý zisk v 4. štvrťroku sa znížil o 4.2 percentuálneho bodu alebo 9.8 milióna GBP.
Finančná situácia
Save for the effects of Q4 trading detailed above and the payments of the 2024 interim dividend of £16.8m on 11 October 2024, tam have been no other significant changes in the financial position of the Group since the publication of the results for the quarter ended 30 September 2024. Net cash at 31 December 2024 was c. £95m (3. štvrťrok 2024: približne 93 miliónov GBP, 4. štvrťrok 2023: približne 90 miliónov GBP).
At 31 December 2024 there were 328,618,774 Ordinary shares in issue, of which 16,696,972 were held by the Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). The rights to receive dividends and to exercise voting rights have been waived by the EBT over 15,288,185 shares and consequently these shares should be excluded when calculating earnings per share. The total number of voting rights in the Company is 328,618,774.
Varovné vyhlásenie
This Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Trading Update has been prepared solely to provide additional information akcionárom, aby zhodnotili stratégie skupiny a potenciál úspechu týchto stratégií. Na Aktualizáciu obchodovania by sa nemala spoliehať žiadna iná strana ani na žiadny iný účel. Táto aktualizácia obchodovania obsahuje určité výhľadové vyhlásenia. Tieto vyhlásenia robia Riaditelia v dobrej viere na základe informácií, ktoré majú k dispozícii až do schválenia tejto Aktualizácie obchodovania a s týmito vyhláseniami by sa malo zaobchádzať opatrne vzhľadom na inherentnú neistotu, vrátane ekonomických a obchodných rizikových faktorov, podkladom pre akékoľvek takéto výhľadové informácie. Táto aktualizácia obchodovania bola pripravená pre Skupinu ako celok, a preto kladie väčší dôraz na tie záležitosti, ktoré sú významné pre PageGroup a jej dcérske spoločnosti ako celok.
The Group will issue its Full Year Results on 6 March 2025.
Skupina stránok |
+ 44 (0) 19 3226 4022 |
Nicholas Kirk, generálny riaditeľ | |
Kelvin Stagg, finančný riaditeľ | |
FTI Consulting | + 44 (0) 20 3727 1340 |
Richard Mountain / Susanne Yule |
Spoločnosť dnes o 8.30:XNUMX usporiada konferenčný hovor a prezentáciu pre analytikov a investorov. Živú prezentáciu si môžete pozrieť kliknutím na tento odkaz:
Na pripojenie ku konferencii použite nasledujúce telefónne čísla:
Spojené kráľovstvo (miestne) | 020 3936 2999 |
Všetky ostatné miesta | +44 20 3936 2999 |
Na získanie prístupu k hovoru uveďte prístupový kód účastníka 17 16 36.
A presentation and recording to accompany the call will be posted on the Company's website during the course of the morning of 13 January 2025 at:
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