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Statement by Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc
Headline: Directorate Change
29 August 2024. Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc ("PTSB" or the "Bank") has announced that Nicola O'Brien, the Bank's Chief Financial Officer and Board Executive Director has informed the Bank of her intention to leave PTSB in the coming months to take on a new role. In accordance with the Bank's existing governance arrangements, Ms O'Brien will step down from the Board with immediate effect.
Ms O'Brien joined the Board in August 2022 upon appointment as Chief Financial Officer having previously held the role as Head of Finance and Investor Relations at PTSB prior to which she held senior roles with Bank of Ireland.
Speaking today, PTSB CEO, Eamonn Crowley, wished Ms O'Brien continued success in her career. He said; "Nicola has played an important role in supporting the Bank on its journey to grow and diversify its business. I wish to acknowledge the commitment she has shown to the Bank throughout her tenure and wish her every success in her future career."
PTSB Chairperson, Julie O'Neill also added "Nicola has been a valuable member of the PTSB Board since her appointment in 2022 contributing with professionalism and skill to Board discussion and decision making. Like Eamonn, I wish her every success in the next phase of her career".
Conor Ryan
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