Nástupníctvo finančného riaditeľa
09:04 11/09/24
4imprint Group plc (the "Company")
Nástupníctvo finančného riaditeľa
4imprint Group plc announces that David Seekings has informed the Company of his intention to retire from the Board and from his role as CFO before the end of 2025.
A thorough recruitment process will be undertaken, and David will be actively involved in this process. His official retirement date will be based on the timing of the hiring of his successor and a suitable transition period.
Kevin Lyons-Tarr, CEO, said: "David has served 4imprint Group plc loyally since joining in 1996. Over the years he has played an important role in shaping many different aspects of the development of the Company, in particular driving the growth of the direct marketing business. I see every day how much he cares about the company and all of its stakeholders, so it comes as no surprise to me that he is allowing ample time and making a full commitment to a successful transition."
David Seekings added: "In due course I will have plenty of time to reflect on my 27 year career with the Company and the amazing people that I have had the privilege to work with along the way. Right now, however, I remain completely focused on the business and doing all I can to ensure a smooth succession and to help 4imprint to continue its success for many years to come."
Further announcements regarding David's leaving date and the appointment of his successor will be made in due course.
The person responsible for arranging the release of this announcement on behalf of 4imprint Group plc is Emma Taylor, its Company Secretary.
Pre ďalšie informácie prosím kontaktujte:
4imprint Group plc Takéto. + 44 (0) 20 3709 9680 | MHP Group Takéto. + 44 (0) 7884 494112 Email [chránené e-mailom] |
Kevin Lyons-Tarr Generálny riaditeľ
Emma Taylorová Firemná sekretárka | Katie Hunt
Eleni Menikou |
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